Sunday, October 11, 2015

Blog Entry No. 9

My Journey in Sociology

"Behind the mountain of sacrifice lies the valley of success."

I can say that my journey here in Sociology 111 together with my classmates is such blast! Now I will share to you what are my experiences and learning's I got in here.

First, we got this blog thingy which is very new and unusual to me and gives me an immediate nervous breakdown (just a metaphor) because first meeting, first blog! I was so nervous and think that if I can't make it, I will fail. So me and my classmates worked together. And then get used as days and time passed by. Then about the society, on why or how to people have such kind of behavior due to the impacts of the environment and the people that surrounds him. I stepped on the stones one by one and then suddenly it came crossing in my mind that here it is! 

I honesty learned a lot in all the 6 entries that I made. Not just the learnings I got by words but also the efforts, sacrifices and time that I lend just to came into this point because as what I have experienced, making blogs, projects and studying at the same time is not as easy as everyone thought. Also by the use of blogs, it helps me to express my feelings and my wild imagination to work in relation to the topics that I need to cope up. I agree that Sociology class is a bumpy ride. If you don't enjoy and keep stressing yourself, you won't learn anything.

I will put in my heart all the lessons and activities that really puts a mark in my learnings. Also, I acknowledge our teacher, Ma'am June Pearl D. Sarmiento for making such great effort understanding each one of us. I will cherish everything and pray to God that someday this will bear fruit as sweet as success.

Hannah Jy C. Panolino

Ad Majorem De Gloriam . . . . 

Blog Entry No. 8

My Family and My Neighbors Family

       Hello everyone! You can see my family picture above. I have my beautiful mom, my uncle and tita together with their 2 children lives with us, also with my grandma and grandpa. We are extended, because there is this saying that the more, the merrier. My grandma and grandpa has a farm, so they spend most of their time there. My mother is in-charge in our small sari2x store. I have two tita’s working overseas and they are the ones that sustains all the things that we need especially in my studies. My family likes to travel in some places especially on balik-bukid. Every summer, we always spend our time in Paradaise Island. We have a strong-family-ties. We are open about the things that hurt our feelings, or what makes our day great, and shares to every member of our family the past happenings that occur. They are supportive in times that I needed them the most. They love me as who I am because this is me, and that makes me real. They are my everyday fuel because everytime I keep on thinking on quiting college, they motivate me to strive hard to achieve my dreams. They are the people who I can count too and never fails to make me feel their presence.

On the other hand, this is my neighbors family. The one who is wearing a black shirt is my bestfriend Allea.(got her full permission to use the photo) She has 2 older sisters that already finished their college degree and have a stable job. Her mom is a government agent. Her father passed away 2 years ago due to cancer. Allea's family is like my family too.

So what's the difference of my family in the family of my bestfriend?
I think in terms of norms inside their household. In culture too! They are Ilocano and we are Cebuanos. In their designated jobs and roles inside their house. Also, the number of occupants and their means of living (income, job, and position)

But what are the similar ones too?
The similarities between my family and Allea's family is that we both believe in one God, family-oriented and despite of the conflict schedules that we have, they are like BDO which they find ways to have time with us and they are responsible parents to us.We are so lucky for God has given me and Allea everything that we need.

Therefore, families are the ones that when you stumble and fall, they will not keep you in failing, but helps you to be brave enough to stand in ones feet.

Ad Majorem De Gloriam. . . . 

Blog Entry No. 7

Getting Out Of My Prison Cell

Deviance, according to sociologist William Graham Sumner, is a violation of established contextual, cultural, or social norms, whether folkways, mores, or codified law (1906). I'm Hannah, still young, wild, and free trying to fit in and do whatever I want in this world. One thing I can have when I'm still young is that, I can enjoy the luxury of doing things and stuff whether it is bad or good as long as I love what I'm doing. Now I can relate deviance inside our household. Every family has their standard rules and guidelines that should be obeyed especially to by their children. My mom is a strict parent. She has the full authority in the house since my father is not around with us. Her number one rule is: NO TEXTING WHEN EATING. This goes around every time.

Me while eating

I got scolded every time I'm doing this. Gadget here, gadget there, gadget everywhere. For me, I can call this a crime since my mom has already said her rule to me and I keep on disobeying her. As serve as a punishment, she sermons me infront of the people in the presence of our guest. I dont know, maybe technology nowadays has a great impact not just in me but to every teenagers in the world. We are worried if we can't take a look at our status, tweet in a day or watch viral videos in youtube. My mom thought that maybe I'm alreadycrazy  because when I'm alone and then check for updates in my phone or computer, then see's something funny, then laughs alone like a weirdo. I think when mom puts this things seriously, I'm already an ex-convict. Hahaha like if it would really happen. (See? I'm taking the situation for granted.) That's why I'm checking my phone when I'm already in school or while walking.

Me when I check my phone together with my friend

I know for sure that this can brought a serious impact in the future. Why? Because the fact that I can't put away my phone in my hand and disobeying my mom's rule is a double-kill crime. I lose the respect my mom needs from me and the proper etiquette in a table manners. The act that I'm showing everyday not just to my mom but to those who witness it is a shameful thing that needs to be replace by a good attitude.

So how can I get out of my prison cell?
First, obedience is a must. Always obey what your parents command because it is for your own good. Second, act as a proper lady and have some manners. Lastly, be open to change.

Ad Majorem De Gloriam . . . . 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Blog No. 6

Without A Trace

There is this young man named Eric Miller who was been bullied by his classmates with the so-called “popular girls and boys” in their school. He went to the bathroom and then later on, a crime happened. They thought that Eric was been kidnapped by some people. There are investigators who is really good in their field and investigate about the case of Eric. They use their proven and tested method. They talked to Eric’s parents. Eric lied that he went to the arcade and played football that day but the truth is that something happened to him. Eric has his mood-swings and his parents recommended him to see a psychologist. They don't want their child to feel the difference between other kids so they send him to school. Next is the investigator went to the arcade. Eric says to himself that he’s a loser. He differentiate himself to the popular ones. He was been bullied by boys and he’s head has been put to the toilet bowl. Then on the arcade, Lisa Potter’s big brother Frank physically harmed Eric by pushing him, seeing it through CCTV camera. He did that because Eric harassed Lisa by calling her a dog, impressing to the popular girls especially to Brandy. Lisa, such an innocent girl build a grudge to Eric and contact help to the popular girls to teach him a lesson. Emily think about the plan while Brandy frame up Eric. Brandy ordered Eric to took off his pants, so he did it. He was tied up, then the popular girls showed up. Then the next thing was that, the worse things happened into his life. The pictures taken without his clothes on was emailed to all the students in their school. This made Eric depressed so much and decided to put his life to an end. The investigators track him down and found him already tying himself up. They hurriedly went to Eric and save his life.



It is hard to fit in to a place where you feel like you dont belong. It is a hard stage for the young ones to face each challenges everyday. I find this film a lesson for every parents here in the world. Its just not enough only see your sons and daughters passing the house. Closure is needed the most. It is dangerous how many young people keep things for themselves, especially when it comes to personal issues and in school. I can relate this episode to Erik Ericksons 8 Stages of Development wherein he is on the stage of pre-adolescence period of growth. According to some viewers of the episode under the name of Purpleleaf, some parents find it hard to see if there is even a problem at school or something serious that is really bothering to each child. This is an alarming situation that happens to a lot of teenagers and to some degree that when going through a problem what they feel is out of their control or that they cannot handle. It will drive into desperate measures. I saw this episode as an eye opener. People should look more closely into their child's life and have an open relationship with them. Care about their feelings and always give them encouragement. My heart was been moved. There is this saying that, "You'll never see all the awesome things ahead of you, if you keep looking at all the bad things behind you. Sometimes, you just have to turn around, give a little smile, throw the match and burn that bridge. Live, learn and acceptance: things you need in order to survive." We are unique just the way we are. We just cant see it because we always conclude that there are still people that are greater than us. Yes there is. But it is not an excuse of ruining ones life. As a daughter, I have my responsibility to share all the happenings in my day to my parentss. They follow up everything and keep me intouch so that when crucial time comes, it will be not hard for me to adjust. 

Hannah Jy C. Panolino

Marketing 1-B

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Blog No. 5

Who am I Without You 

(Agents of Socialization)

What is a family?

I think everyone of us here has a family to start engaging the world. Families are who you love. They are the ones that are there for you in times of happiness and sadness. They are your supporters, especially  on the moments that you needed them the most. Our families all “look” different and it's always been so. They witness my growing years, starting from a cute baby girl that now turns out to be a grown-up lady. Common families nowadays are called to be immature compared to the past years in the field of planning and in marriage. My grandmother Ruth, a one of a kind woman ever in my life shared that they have a firm foundation regarding on how to raise a family. She points me out all the old traditions in her timeline and it seems like it has a big difference in terms of guiding and nurturing.

In relation to our topic, we can't imagine ourselves facing all struggles just by our own. We cant even stay in a place without a helping-hand, how much more without a family when you‘re growing up? Out of the billions of people swarming, I consider myself as one of the lucky one here on the earth. Even though I dont have a father by my side, still I have a loving mother who really loves me more than anything else in this world including my grandma and grandpa which made me more lucky of having a happy and loving family. My mom says that being a parent is not an easy job. It is very risky. The child’s attitude will reflect to the parents attitude on how they were treated as humans and the skills that the parents taught them. I have this neighbor that has a son. When she laugh, she'll slap her son on the back. The day after that, while her son is playing with his playmates and they're enjoying, he just slap his friend on the back not knowing that what he has done hurts the other boy and just do nothing. So the trait of the parent slapping on the back had been adopt by his son. There are also some instances to me that I learn something that my parents haven’t taught me. Just like our Sociology teacher taught as that during the toddlerstage, our mind is set whether we trust people or mistrust. Aside from the stage that I undergo, I experience emotional changes like I learn how to be shy and started to think on things whether is it right or wrong.

Our community is a zone of persons that are very exellent in the field of business. Upon living and endulging myself here in our community, positions is really a big deal. I witness, at the same time experience this back when I was a child. I have a rich friend and also a low class friend. We play everyday at the  back of Lola Tanying’s house. There we play different kinds of palarong pilipino. There is no such time that we wont play together. The rich kid’s parents always work and have no time to take care of him except his nanny. There comes this one time that his mom went to get him. Upon seeing him playing with my low class friend, his mom took him away and drag him to the car then went home. From then on, he never play with us again. I talked to him and he said, “my mom doesn’t like befriending him because her parents have a bad record in the community and his father is a ex-convict. Her parents dont have a nice job too thats why my mom forbids me.” Its really a cruel thing, doesn’t it? In conclusion, social classes and races have a big impact to each one of us. In the result, we learn how to adjust and come into realization that it really sticks in our minds and affects us.

According to Jane Blaustone, “The best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other.” When see parents respecting each other, that trait will inherit by their children and will be passed on unto the next generation. So everything starts to the acts of our parents.

Family is everything. Let us put ourselves in a situation without a family. Is it worth living? A big NO for me. Family is your home. Family helps together for the progress of the other. Family shape the community. Family is where your secrets are are protected. And family helps you to achieve your dreams on what you wanted to become and on what you wanted to gain in the future. Family is not perfect. But despite of the imperfections, they analyze each one’s problem and give a hand on what they can offer. Without family, you will grow up with missing pieces. No one appreciates, no one will know your potentials. Without my family, living life is pointless. Family isn’t categorized by blood also. I consider my friends and neighbors and treated them as my family too because they accept me from what I am and even if they know about my negative side, they still love me as me.

Its the people in your life who want you in theirs: the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. So treasure your family. Most may end, but the love of a family is life’s greatest blessing.

Hannah Jy C. Panolino

Marketing 1-B

Friday, July 17, 2015

Blog No. 4

“No matter what culture a people are a part of, one thing is for certain, it will not change. If it change, it changes for the better.”

Entering a very well-known prestigious school here in Davao City is a privilege to me as an aspiring student. The Ateneo campus is one of the best university environments on the Philippines. The school location itself is a great place. It has clean restrooms, air-conditioned classrooms, wide parking areas, spacious areas, modern and medium-sized buildings, underground cafeteria, and most of all it is a safe place. In other words, you will really feel the “real” college life here.
Tensions and excitements overflow within me as I face the different levels of learning from kinder to college. I admit that it’s not easy to adjust at first and I encounter many changes. I experienced the same as other freshmens the so called culture shock in terms of my social life and academic performances. Social life because I’m afraid that “’I’ll be some sort of an “outcast” - the feeling you feel when you don’t belong. In my highschool days, I got a lot of time hanging out with my friends and family. Compare now, I evenly don’t have enough time to sleep. Not because I’m going out of somewhere but because every subjects has their oral recitations and quizzes so study is a must. I have new classmates from different classes and courses. A lot of them. So I really need to socialize. Easy for others as what they say but for me, not really. Academic performance because “you have to compete in order to survive”, according to my history teacher. My study habits in highschool is officially not working here in college so I need to change. I need to manage time also because everyday  we have an assignments, quizzes or tests in different subjects. Im afraid. Afraid in a fact that I wouldn’t reach the passing QPI of the university. I need to balance everything and know my priorities, both academic and co-curricular activities.

Ateneo is indeed again a great and in-demand school. As time goes by, I enjoy here. It’s never too late to change. There are more rooms for mistakes, but let us take that as an example.  Time is everything. Sooner or later, we will be able to cope with our imperfections and start to adapt the culture on how to be an Atenean.
Ateneo gives the high-quality education for those students who are lucky enough to study in this school. Not everyone are blessed to study here, so be proud. They wanted the students to release their outermost best they can be. Ateneo taught me to aim high and more! It is not about being so dumb ans stress day by day but helping us to face and widely embrace the changes. Take note: You only feel the hardships because you give your focus and attention in that situation. If  that’s the case, Ateneo wants us to feel what is really hard and pressed us so that someday we will be prepared. This is the Ateneo Culture.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Blog No. 3 part 2

Philippine Rocks! Proud to be Pinoy!

Hello, this is my second one to send about the Topic SEA GAMES 2015. I would like to congratulate especially Pilipino's for representing and being the participant of the said event. The Philippine contingent that competed in the different sports of the Southeast Asian Games takes home a total of 131 medals. The country that sent 472 athletes to Singapore, bagged 29 gold medals, 36 silvers, and 66 bronzes - placing sixth. Thailand topped the medal tally for the second straight edition of the SEA Games with 95 golds, 83 silvers, and 69 bronzes. The Singapore finished with 84 golds, 73 silvers, and 102 bronzes. The bulk of the country's gold medals came from athletics and boxing. The Philippines also lorded over several team sports like men’s basketball, men’s rugby, and both the men’s and women’s baseball events. Runner Eric Shauwn Cray was the lone Filipino athlete to contribute two gold medals, winning the athletics 100m and 400m hurdle races. Gosh, he is so hunk! XD
The Philippines hauled in the same amount of gold medals as in the 2013 SEA Games, but added two silvers and 28 more bronzes this year.
This is what Filipinos are. This is what is circulating in our blood! Losers are not the defeated, but those who quited. WE ARE WARRIORS! WE ARE PROUD TO BE PILIPINO!
We should not be ashamed about these. These are the evidences that we are worth fighting for.
Hannah Jy Panolino
Marketing 1-B

Blog No. 3

Southeast Asian Games

                 According to wiki sources, Southeast Asian Games (also known as the SEA Games), is a biennial multi-sport event involving participants from the current 11 countries of Southeast Asia.
The Southeast Asian Games owes its origins to the South East Asian Peninsula Games or SEAP Games. On 22 May 1958, delegates from the countries in Southeast Asian Peninsula attending the Asian Games in Tokyo, Japan had a meeting and agreed to establish a sport organization. Thailand, Burma (now Myanmar), Malaya (now Malaysia), Laos, South Vietnam and Cambodia (with Singapore included thereafter) were the founding members. These countries agreed to hold the Games biennially.
The first SEAP Games were held in Bangkok from 12–17 December 1959 comprising more than 527 athletes and officials from Thailand, Burma, Malaya (now Malaysia), Singapore, South Vietnam and Laos participating in 12 sports.

          At the 8th SEAP Games in 1975, the SEAP Federation considered the inclusion of Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. These countries were formally admitted in 1977, the same year when SEAP Federation changed their name to Southeast Asian Games Federation (SEAGF), and the games were known as the Southeast Asian Games.

Since the Southeast Asian Games began in 1959, it has been held in 15 different cities across all Southeast Asian countries except Cambodia and Timor Leste.

Southeast Asian Games

The Southeast Asian Games Federation logo and flag.
First event
1959 SEAP Games in Bangkok, Thailand
Occur every
2 years
Last event
2015 SEA Games in Kallang, Singapore
Multi-sport event for nations on the Southeast Asian continent

           The Southeast Asian Games once again return to Singapore in 2015, after a 22-year long hiatus. Awarded the bid by the Southeast Asian Games Federation (SEAGF) in November 2011, the 28th SEA Games held from June 5 – 16, 2015.
             Previously hosting the Games in 1973, 1983 and 1993, Singapore’s fourth time hosting the games is especially significant to the republic as it celebrates its 50th year of independence in 2015. This presents Singapore with the perfect opportunity to reinforce regional peace and friendship with its regional neighbors. 36 sports and 402 events will feature in the 28th SEA Games Singapore 2015. The sports are aquatics (swimming, synchronized swimming, diving, waterpolo), archery, athletics, badminton, basketball, billiards & snooker, bowling, boxing, canoeing, cycling, equestrian, fencing, floorball, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, judo, netball, petanque, rowing, rugby 7s, sailing, sepak takraw, shooting, silat, softball, squash, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, dragon boat, triathlon, volleyball, wakeboard & waterski, and wushu.

Logo of the 2015 Southeast Asian Games
Motto: "Celebrate The Extraordinary"

Singapore as the host city of SEA Games 2015

The National Stadium in Singapore, venue of the athletics and football events, and the opening and closing ceremonies for the 28th SEA Games

Medal Standings of the SEA Games

Thankyou for visiting my blog. Hope that this helps and Godbless you always.
Yours truly,
Marketing 1-B


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Blog No. 2 part 2

Me and the World

Ms. BNSAT 2014

December 9, 2014 is one of my most memorable day in highschool. I joined a pageant entitled "BNSAT NIGHT"because my teacher and friends really push me to join the event. It is an annual event. Every year, they choose students to represent by their year level
Im nervous and at the same time excited. Nervous because I will face alot of people infront of me and excited because it is not my first time in joining such big events. It is a great privilege for me because I won the title becoming the Ms. BNSAT 2014. 

December 9 2014 also has its our historical events. According to the December 9, 2014 U.S Drought Monitor, moderate to exceptional drought covers 29.8% of the contiguous United States, a slight increase from 29.1%. The worst drought categoies (extreme to exceptional drought) also increased slightly from 8.8% to 8.9%.
Widespread heavy precipitation (2-6 inches) was reported across much of to Northern California and along portions of the central and Southern coastline.

So as expected, the world has its own happenings. It is not just you who benefit enough but the world also. Everyday, even if we feel the same way as the past day, the world evolves and changes.

Blog No. 2

Me and the World

                 Hi, I’m Hannah Jy Panolino. My birthday is November 6, 1998 and I’m a product of Scorpio. In my childhood days, birthday is the most important event in my life that I always look forward to celebrate. I usually sleep late at night and wake up early just to make sure that my parents really prepare for my grand day. Silly me isn’t it? I observe a special programs in every birthdays that I have, thanks to my super duper loving mom! The day is full of engagements and merry making. I have a number of friends that I always invite and it increases every year!
            This time, I choose my favorite day as the main idea. Aside from the fact that it is my birthday, it is also Czar's birthday too, a friend of mine. Its really a coincidence that we've come up having the same birthday. Maybe that’s why I’m comfortable with him. No malice!
With such thought, it came up today thinking that there’s something happened a long time ago like the date of my special day. So I came with a research to know what are the events and plots that happened the same as with my birthday but with different years of course.

           According to, Here are some histories or happenings that happen a long time ago:

November 6, 1429 - Henry VI was crowned King of England at age eight. He had acceded to the throne at the age of nine months following the death of Charles VI.
November 6, 1860 - Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th U.S. President and the first Republican. He received 180 of 303 possible electoral votes and 40 percent of the popular vote.
November 6, 1917 - During World War I, the Third Battle of Ypres concluded after five months as Canadian and Australian troops took Passchendaele. Their advance, measuring five miles, cost at least 240,000 soldiers.
November 6, 1962 - The U.N. General Assembly adopted a resolution condemning South Africa for its apartheid policies and recommended economic sanctions.

Another one:
Cite -
Events 1 - 186 of 186
355 - Emperor Constantine II crowns cousin Julianus keizer of Britain
1153 - Treaty of Wallingford (Oxfordshire) signed between King Stephen and the Empress Maude
1528 - Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca becomes the first known European to set foot in Texas.
1534 - Zealand hit by heavy storm
1572 - Supernova is observed in constellation known as Cassiopeia
1632 - Battle at Lutzen: Swedish/Saxon army beats imperial armies
1657 - Brandenburg & Poland sign unity of Bromberg
1676 - King Carlos II of Spain comes of age (at 15)
1789 - Pope Pius VI appoints Father John Carroll as the first Catholic bishop in the United States.
1792 - Battle of Jemappes: French army beats Holy Roman Empire
1813 - Chilpancingo congress declares Mexico independent of Spain
1844 - Spain grants Dominican Rep independence
1850 - 1st Hawaiian fire engine
1850 - Yerba Buena & Angel Islands (SF Bay) reserved for military use
1860 - Abraham Lincoln (Rep-R-Ill) elected 16th American President
 Jefferson Davis elected to 6 year term as US Confederate President
1862 - NY-SF direct telegraphic link forms
1863 - Battle of Rogersville TN
1864 - Battle of Droop Mountain, WV (Averell's Raid)
1865 - Maastricht-Venlo railway opens in Netherlands
1865 - American Civil War: CSS Shenandoah is the last Confederate combat unit to surrender after circumnavigating the globe on its cruise that sank or captured 37 vessels.
1869 - 1st intercollegiate football (soccer) game (Rutgers 6, Princeton 4)
1871 - Cameroon reaches coast of Angola after trip through Africa
1878 - Henrik Ibsen's "Samfundets Stotter" premieres in Oslo
1879 - Canada celebrates 1st Thanksgiving Day
1883 - NYAC organizes 1st American cross-country championship race
1884 - British protectorate proclaimed over southeast New Guinea
1884 - Montreal Foot Ball Club (QFRU) defeats Toronto Argonauts (ORFU) 30-0 in 1st CRFU Championship game
1885 - US mint at Carson City, Nevada, directed to close Sen-Ind) beats Pres Grover Cleveland (D), 233 electoral votes to 168, Cleveland received slightly more votes
1897 - 'Peter Pan' opens in NY at Empire Theater
1900 - Battle at Bothaville: Major General Charles Knox beats Boers
1900 - Republican President William McKinley and his Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt, defeat Democrats' William Jennings Bryan in the US elections
1903 - USA recognizes independence of Panama
1906 - Charles Evans Hughes (R) elected NY Gov beats William Randolph Hearst
1906 - Chinese Government ministries are reorganized as part of the movement towards constitutional government; but in fact the Manchu princes retain control and there is little gain for the Chinese people
1908 - Leonid Andreyev's "Dui Nashey Zhizni" premieres in St Petersburg
1910 - SDAP/NVV initiate campaign for general males/female suffrage
1911 - Francisco Madeiro inaugurated president of Mexico
K Gandhi arrested for leading Indian miners march in South Africa
1914 - The British land troops (mostly from the Indian Army) at the head of the Persian Gulf in Mesopotamia, and will begin to move westward in an attempt to draw Turkish troops from other fronts
1915 - 1st military flight in Dutch East Indies (Tandjong Priok)
1915 - Sophokles Skouloudis forms Greek government
1917 - [OS Oct 24] Bolshevik revolution begins with bombardmentt of the Winter Palace in Petrograd during the Russian October Revolution
1917 - New York State adopts a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote in state elections
1918 - Republic of Poland proclaimed
1918 - Supreme commander of the army Gen Cutters resigns
1918 - WW I: On the Western Front, Germany is now retreating as French and American troops cross the Meuse and move to take Sedan
1919 - 1st Dutch radio program: Soirée Musicale with "Turf in you(r) ransel"
1923 - USSR adopts experimental calendar, with 5-day "weeks"
1924 - Stanley Baldwin becomes PM of UK
1925 - British secret agent Sidney Reilly ('Ace of Spies') is executed by the OGPU, the secret police of the Soviet Union.
1928 - Clevelanders vote to build a stadium with city bonds
Herbert Hoover (R) beats Alfred E Smith (D) for US President
1928 - Colonel Jacob Schick patents 1st electric razor
1928 - Swedes start a tradition of eating Gustavus Adolphus pastries to commemorate the king.
1932 - German election - KPD defeats NSDAP
1934 - NFL Philadelphia Eagles beat Cincinnati Reds 64-0
1935 - 1st test flight of Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft
1936 - RCA displays TV for press
1936 - Terence Rattigan's "French Without Tears" premieres in London
1938 - 3 DiMaggio brothers play together for 1st time, charity all star game
1939 - WGY-TV (Schenectady, NY), 1st coml TV station, begins service
1939 - WRGB TV channel 6 in Schenectady-Alby-Troy, NY (CBS) 1st broadcast
1939 - World War II: 'Sonderaktion Krakau' - a Nazi operation against academics, with 184 professors arrested in Krakow and deported
1940 - Franklin Roosevelt re-elected US President
1941 - Einsatz Gruppe kills 15,000 Jews of Rovno Ukraine
1941 - Japanese fleet readies assault on Pearl Harbor
1941 - USA lends Soviet Union $1 million
1942 - Nazis execute 12,000 Minsk ghetto Jews
1942 - Sukarno & Mohammed Hatta found Ampat Serangkai
1943 - Soviet troops land on Kertsj peninsula
1943 - Soviet forces reconquer Kiev
1943 - Stalin says: "The issue of German fascism is lost"
1945 - House Committee on Un-American Activities begins investigation of 7 radio commentators
1945 - The first landing of a jet on a carrier takes place on USS Wake Island when an FR-1 Fireball touches down
1949 - Greek civil war ends
1950 - Branch Rickey signs 5-yr contract as VP/GM of Pittsburgh Pirates
1950 - Chinese offensive halts at Chongchon River, North Korea
1950 - King Tribhuvana of Nepal flees to India
1952 - Dmitri Shostakovitch's cantata "About our Fatherland" premieres
1953 - French National Meeting grants Saarland more autonomy
1953 - Jimmy Dykes succeeds Marty Marion as manager of Balt Orioles
1953 - Masao Oki's symphony "Atomic Bomb" premieres
1955 - 11th Ryder Cup: US, 8-4 at Thunderbird Ranch & CC Calif
1955 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1956 - Holland & Spain withdraw from Olympics in protest against Soviets in Hungary
1956 - US President Eisenhower (R) re-elected defeating Adlai E Stevenson (D)
1957 - "Rumple" opens at Alvin Theater NYC for 45 performances
1957 - Felix Gaillard becomes premier of France
1958 - AL announces that KC will play AL record 52 night games in 1959
1958 - Belgium government of Eyskens & Lilar forms
1958 - Wilber Snyder beats V Gagne in Omaha, to become NWA wrestling champ
1961 - US government issues a stamp honoring 100th birthday of James Naismith
1962 - BART bond issue just gets by with a 66.9% favorable vote
1962 - Edward M Kennedy 1st elected (Sen-D-Mass)
1962 - Edward W Brooke (R) elected attorney general of Massachusetts
1962 - Saudi Arabia proclaims abolition of slavery
1962 - UN General Assembly adopts resolution condemning South Africa
1964 - WEIQ TV channel 42 in Mobile, AL (PBS) begins broadcasting
1966 - 1st entire lineup televised in color (NBC)
1966 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Amarillo Ladies' Golf Open
1966 - Lunar Orbiter 2 launched
1967 - Bridge at Annabaai crashes on Willemstad, Curacao, kills 15
1967 - US launches Surveyor 6; makes soft landing on Moon Nov 9
1968 - Nixon elected 37th pres of US, defeating Hubert Humphrey
1968 - Students of SF State Counsel go on strike
1969 - 1st Cy Young Award tie (Mike Cuellar, Balt & Denny McLain, Det)
1970 - Boog Powell wins AL MVP
1970 - Twins Jim Perry wins AL Cy Young Award
1971 - "Great Harp" closes at Martin Beck Theater NYC after 7 performances
1971 - US performs underground nuclear test at Amchitka Island Aleutians
1973 - "Man With the Golden Girl" begins shooting
1973 - Abe Beame elected 1st Jewish mayor of NYC
1973 - Coleman Young elected mayor of Detroit
1974 - Dodger Mike Marshall is 1st relief pitcher to win Cy Young Award
1975 - "Hello, Dolly" opens at Minskoff Theater NYC for 51 performances
1975 - 1st appearance of Sex Pistols
1976 - Benjamin Hooks, succeeds Roy Wilkins as executive director of NAACP
1976 - Former Twins relief ace Bill Campbell is 1st free-agent to sign with a new team, joining the Red Sox for $1 million over 4 years
1977 - "Hair" closes at Biltmore Theater NYC after 43 performances
1977 - 1st Emmy Sports Award presentation
1977 - 39 killed in an earthen dam burst at Toccoa Falls Bible College, Ga
1978 - Iranian general Gholan Reza Azhari forms government
1978 - Shah of Iran places Iran under military rule
1979 - Ayatollah Khomeini takes over in Iran
1981 - Fernando Valenzuela is 1st rookie to win a Cy Young Award
1981 - Larry Holmes TKOs Renaldo Snipes in 11 for heavyweight boxing title
1982 - Joe Altobelli succeeds Earl Weaver as Oriole manager
1983 - Chako Higuchi wins LPGA Sports Nippon Team Match Golf Tournament
1983 - Discovery transported to Vandenberg AFB, Calif
1983 - Tor Bay Buccaneers' James Wilder rushes for 219 yards vs Minnesota Vikings
1983 - Turkey Turgut Özals Moederland party wins elections
1984 - President Reagan (R) landslide (won 49 states) re-election over Mondale (D)
1984 - Willie Hernandez wins AL MVP Award
1985 - 22nd Space Shuttle Mission (61A) -Challenger 9- lands at Edwards AFB
1985 - Exploratory well in Ranger, Texas, blows out, spilling 150,000 bbl (24,000 m3) of crude oil
1985 - M-19 guerrillas occupy Palace of Justice Bogota Colombia
1985 - Space shuttle Challenger lands at Edwards, Calif
1986 - Houston's Mike Scott (18-10) wins NL Cy Young
1986 - President Reagan signs landmark immigration reform bill
1986 - Rev Donald Wildmon begins a campaign against Howard Stern
1988 - 18th NYC Women's Marathon won by Grete Waitz in 2:28:07
1988 - 19th NYC Marathon won by Steve Jones in 2:08:20
1988 - Japan & MLB all stars played to a 6-6 draw (Game 2 of 7)
1988 - Patty Sheehan wins LPGA Mazda Japan Golf Classic
1988 - Steve Jones wins NY men's marathon; Grete Waitz 9th women's title
1989 - US marshals & FCC sieze pirate radio station WJPL in Brooklyn
1990 - Arsenio Hall gets a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame
1990 - Braves' Dave Justice wins NL Rookie of Year
1990 - Fire destroys some of Universal Studios' stages
1990 - Guam Republican governor Joseph Ada re-elected
1990 - Iran's oil-producing region suffers a serious earthquake
1991 - "Moscow Circus Cirk Valentin" opens at Gershwin NYC for 32 perfs
1991 - Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovitsj returns to St Petersburg
1991 - Keck II, biggest telescope in use at Mauna Kea Hawaii
1991 - Maximus 2.0 BBS released
1991 - Robert M Gates, becomes 15th director of CIA
1991 - Russian president Boris Yeltsin outlaws Communist Party
1993 - Actor Howard Rollins arrested for drunk driving
1993 - Evander Holyfield beats Riddick Bowe in 12 for heavyweight boxing title
1993 - Horse Racing Breeders' Cup Champs: Arcangues, Brocco, Cardmania, Hollywood Wildcat, Kotashaan, Lure, Phone Chatter at Belmont
1994 - 24th NYC Women's Marathon won by Tegla Loroupe in 2:27:37
1994 - 25th NYC Marathon won by German Silva in 2:11:21
1994 - Emomali Rachmonov recognized as president of Tadzjikistan
1994 - Woo-Soon Ko wins LPGA Toray Japan Queens Golf Cup
1995 - Art Modell officially announces Cleveland Browns are moving to Balt
1995 - Israel buries Yitzhak Rabin, assassinated by a fellow Jew who opposed peace with Palestinians
1996 - LA Dodger Todd Hollandsworth wins NL Rookie of Year
1997 - "Proposals" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 76 performances
1997 - SF Giants manager Dusty Baker named NL Manager of the Year
1999 - Australians vote to keep the British monarch as their head of state in the Australian republic referendum.
2001 - Crude oil for December delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) falls to a two-year low after OPEC members warn that a downward price spiral could occur if major non-OPEC oil exporters do not reduce oil production
2002 - 12 people are killed in a fire on board a train headed for Vienna from Paris.
2002 - 36th Country Music Association Award: Alan Jackson & Martina McBride wins
2004 - An express train collides with a stationary car near the village of Ufton Nervet, England, killing 6 and injuring 150.
2005 - The Evansville Tornado of November 2005 kills 25 in Northwestern Kentucky and Southwestern Indiana.
2005 - The military junta of Myanmar (Burma) begins moving its government ministries from Yangon to Pyinmana.
2005 - "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", the 4th film based on the books by J. K. Rowling premieres in London. Goes on to become most successful film of the year, earning almost 900 million.
2006 - 40th Country Music Association Award: Kenny Chesney, Carrie Underwood & Keith Urban wins

Look at all those events! And it all happened on November 6! Look how interesting it is. And it is a privileged to me of course, coz I'm not the only one who celebrate happily my special day but also on the past years too. Those that are listed above are categorize base on the plots that really happen a long long time ago. I dont know if you will feel the same way that I feel when I read those events consecutively. But to me? I encourage you to also research about the events that also happened the same birthdate or any special day that you have and I promise you that you’ll be amazed, just how God created you amazingly. Right? :) Therefore enjoy every happiness that you have, because it is what the world and you are being connected.

Thankyou for visiting my blog! Hope that this will helps.

To God Be The Glory ❤❤

References: (propercitation)